Rehab Renovation Worksheet w/ Repair Costs

  • by admin
  • Course level: Intermediate


Rehab Renovation Worksheet w/ Repair Costs

Renovation costs or figuring out your Rehab Expense can be difficult and is very important to determine what your offer should be and what you should pay for a property. For example Windows are between $325 – $500 Per Window x the # of Windows tour replacing. A Single Roof on a 1,500 Square Foot Home is about $6,000 – $8,000 for a Shingle Roof. Now prices vary in different area, also with inflation and higher costs, prices might be a little higher, but this helps you to get started and figure most everything out. This form is in a PDF Format Line Item for you to go line by line and then add everything up at the bottom. The form even lists everything down to Dumpster Fee’s and Demo Labor. Knowing your Rehab Cost is important to a Wholesaler too, so they can tell the new buyer what the Rehab Costs are when they Market the Property for Sale. Everyone has different costs determined by their labor source, etc…

Forms Included:

  • Rehab Renovation Worksheet w/ Repair Costs

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What Will I Learn?

  • Renovation costs or figuring out your Rehab Expense can be difficult and is very important to determine what your offer should be and what you should pay for a property.

About the instructors

4.32 (19 ratings)

9 Courses

42 students

$59.00 $39.00

Material Includes

  • Renovation Rehab Cost Sheet


  • Download Form, Log In To Account

Target Audience

  • Real Estate Investors